Contreras et al. v. Robins & Morton Group

Superior Court Of The State Of California County Of Ventura, Case No.: 2023CUBT015539


If you were notified of a Ransomware Attack that was perpetrated on the Robins & Morton Group in or around October 2022, you may be eligible to benefits from a settlement.
A state Court ordered this Settlement Website. This is not a solicitation from a lawyer.

·    A settlement has been reached in a Class Action lawsuit against Robins & Morton Group (“RMG”) arising out of a cyberattack that occurred between October 16, 2022 and October 17, 2022 in which third-party criminals gained unauthorized access to RMG’s network and encrypted some of its systems (“Ransomware Attack”). 
·    On October 18, 2023, Plaintiffs filed the operative complaint in the Superior Court of the State of California, County of Ventura.  The case is titled Contreras, et al. v. Robins & Morton Group, Case No.  2023CUBT015539 (the “Litigation”). Plaintiffs allege that between October 16, 2022 and October 17, 2022, RMG was the target of a Ransomware Attack in which third-party criminals gained unauthorized access to RMG’s network and encrypted some of its systems.  Plaintiffs further allege that, as a result of the Ransomware Attack, the criminals gained access to Plaintiffs’ and the Settlement Class Members’ personal information, including without limitation, names and Social Security Numbers (collectively, “PII”).  RMG denies Plaintiffs’ allegations and that it did anything wrong. 
·    The Settlement Class includes all persons in the United States to whom RGM mailed a notification that their information may have been impacted by the Ransomware Attack. There is a separate Settlement Class for Settlement Class Members who were California residents at the time the Ransomware Attack occurred. You should have received a letter from the Claims Administrator if you are a Settlement Class Member. That notification included a unique Class Member ID for you to verify your identity to receive the settlement benefits described in this notice. If for some reason you have not received login information, but believe you are a Settlement Class Member, please call (833) 462-3512 to verify your identity and receive further information on how to file a Claim Form.
·    The settlement provides reimbursement of up to $300 for out-of-pocket expenses and lost time that were incurred as a result of the Ransomware Attack for Persons who file a Valid Claim, as further described below. The settlement also provides up to $7,500 for proven monetary Extraordinary Expense Reimbursement for Settlement Class Members who have incurred extraordinary expenses and who submit a Valid Claim. Additionally, the settlement provides $50 for Settlement Class Members who were California residents at the time of that Ransomware Attack, who attest to same, and who submit a Valid Claim.
·    You must file a Claim Form to receive a payment. You can file a claim online on this Settlement Website, download a Claim Form and mail it, or you may call (833) 462-3512 and ask that a Claim Form be mailed to you. The Claims Deadline is June 27, 2024. You must use the Class Member ID you received with your notification to verify your identity as a Settlement Class Member. If for some reason you did not receive a Class Member ID, but believe you are a Settlement Class Member, please call (833) 462-3512 to verify your identity and receive further information on how to file a Claim Form. 

Your legal rights are affected even if you do nothing. 
Read this Settlement Website carefully.


FILE A CLAIMThe only way to get benefits under this settlement. 
You must file a claim by June 27, 2024
OPT-OUT OF THE SETTLEMENTGet no benefits.  This is the only option that may allow you to sue RMG over the claims being resolved by this settlement. 
You must opt-out of the settlement by May 13, 2024
OBJECTWrite the Court about why you do not think this settlement is fair, reasonable, or adequate.
You must object by May 13, 2024
GO TO A HEARINGAsk to speak in Court about the fairness of the settlement
IF YOU DO NOTHINGGet no benefits.  Give up your rights to sue RMG about the legal claims in this case

·    These rights and options – and the deadlines to exercise them – are explained in this notice.
·    The Court in charge of this case still has to decide whether to grant final approval of the settlement. Payments will only be made after the Court grants final approval of the settlement and after any appeals are resolved in favor of the settlement.

This website is authorized by the Court, supervised by counsel for the Parties, and controlled by the Claims Administrator approved by the Court. This is the only authorized website for this case.

For more information please call (833) 462-3512.

    Important Dates

  • Opt-Out Date

    Monday, May 13, 2024
    You must either submit your request for exclusion online on this Settlement Website or mail your request for exclusion postmarked by the Opt-Out Date.
  • Objection Date

    Monday, May 13, 2024
    Your written notice of an objection, in the appropriate form, must either be emailed or postmarked by the Objection Date.
  • Claims Deadline

    Thursday, June 27, 2024
    You must either submit your claim online on this Settlement Website or mail your claim postmarked by the Claims Deadline.
  • Final Fairness Hearing

    July 2, 2024 at 8:30 A.M.
    The Court will hold a Final Fairness Hearing to consider whether to approve the settlement.

This website is authorized by the Court, supervised by counsel for the Parties, and controlled by the Claims Administrator approved by the Court. This is the only authorized website for this case.

For more information please call (833) 462-3512.

    Important Dates

  • Opt-Out Date

    Monday, May 13, 2024
    You must either submit your request for exclusion online on this Settlement Website or mail your request for exclusion postmarked by the Opt-Out Date.
  • Objection Date

    Monday, May 13, 2024
    Your written notice of an objection, in the appropriate form, must either be emailed or postmarked by the Objection Date.
  • Claims Deadline

    Thursday, June 27, 2024
    You must either submit your claim online on this Settlement Website or mail your claim postmarked by the Claims Deadline.
  • Final Fairness Hearing

    July 2, 2024 at 8:30 A.M.
    The Court will hold a Final Fairness Hearing to consider whether to approve the settlement.